Musician, Songwriter,Composer and Arranger
In this page you will also find some PDF samples of charts from previous musical projects I've completed.
If you need your music charted I'll definitely help you:
* Charting / Arranging your originals
* Rearranging /Adapting covers you want to play
*Creating Lead sheets for your music

This is a sample of my lead sheets . In this chart you can see Rhythm and Harmony changes and the melody of the intro and bridge sections.

In this example you'll find a more detailed lead sheet including backing vocals , harmony changes, rhythm changes and an Intro line for a concert key instrument

This the standard piano chart for any kind of band. a one staff simplified version is also available

This is a Multi-Purpose chart as it will work for a singer( or any other C instrument) with a guitar or piano accompanist and it can also be used by a pianist himself . Lyrics are attached to the notes for the vocalists . Harmony and rhythm changes go on the second staff.

For legal effects In many countries , and for many music concourses and competitions all around the world , authors are still required to present their music in this format (Melody with lyrics in treble clef and the harmony and rhythm in bass clef) This the most commonly used format when authors want to get their music published.

Arrangements for your original songs , rearrangements and adaptations from existing pieces are available as well for large ensembles.
© MMXIV-MMXIX Pablosky Rosales